The Guru has been there – he’s about to shoot a video of an acolyte’s meditation revelations and (Holy Ashram!) his phone is out of space. Gnashing of teeth suppressed, the Guru knows what to do. It isn’t random deleting of boring photos of dead relatives (they may be reincarnated later – the relatives that is). To find out your storage hogs, click [...]
If your answer is yes, the Guru has some suggestions. Decide if you want some specific gadgets or an “integrated” smart home. You’re likely in the specific gadgets category and here is a suggestion or two. First, what problem do you want to solve or what daily task to simplify? If you want to adjust your kitchen lights from bed, then get a smart light switch or [...]
Headlines are screaming about hacking and surveillance. Despite this, Google and Apple keep urging us to load all our photos, and sometimes even more precious documents, in an online vault called the “cloud.” So, what’s a “cloud?” Simple - It’s actually just a racks and racks of computer servers, connected at locations all over the world.Guru [...]